Serving South Florida’s Legal Needs Since 1979

How Do Limited Liability Companies Form?

Business formation is only one of the many business services we offer clients. However, we have recently noted a surge of interest in forming limited liability companies or LLCs, as they are commonly known. LLCs offer several advantages to business owners. They provide protection from personal liability for business obligations, debts and lawsuits, as well as the tax benefits of a “pass-through entity.”

If you are seeking assistance in establishing an LLC, speak with an attorney at Jeffrey Feinberg, P.A. Serving Hollywood, Florida, and the surrounding areas, we help startup businesses, small businesses and established businesses deal with changing their business entity into an LLC. A member of our firm can take the time to assess your business needs and determine how an LLC may be right for you.

The Formation Of An LLC

LLCs share a number of characteristics with corporations, but hold additional advantages for the foreign investor. As with corporations, an LLC offers limited liability for its members. As a result, the members are typically only monetarily responsible for the debts of the LLC up to the amount of their individual capital input. At the same time, the LLC is financially responsible only for its own debts and liabilities, not for those of its members.

Formation of an LLC can be done at any point in the life of your business. Our firm provides LLC formation counsel to clients just starting a business or who are reorganizing a currently operating business.

  • LLC formation at startup: By forming an LLC from the moment you start your business, you can ensure that moving forward, your company can grow at the pace necessary to suit your goals and customers.
  • Reorganization into an LLC: By getting to know your business, looking over your operating documents and understanding the goals you have for the business, we can advise you on how to restructure your entity into an LLC to take advantage of the benefits of an LLC.

Contact Us About LLC Formations

To learn more about our firm and what we can do to assist with your LLC formation, please email or call us today to schedule an appointment with a skilled member of our firm.